alex 2004-03-31 16:10:51
Всего постов: 232
Бород: 21
Рейтинг: +6|3|-1 = +83%
Одобрено: Дура
Читать с выражением :)

Well, how can I begin
To tell the story of my Murka, my darling
To tell the pridefull story as she's lived and died
Now I'll make my mind

Now I'll tell the story how all this happened
Murka was the nice of juice - that's right
And in our district everybody missed her
When she was arrested late of night

Once we went on business, me and Rabinovich
And we dropped at nearest restaurant-hall
There she was sitting with the Tony Bloody Bastard
And she had a browning, black and small

How do you do my Murka, how do you do my darling
How do you do my Murka and goodbye
You have sold forever all our malina
And that is the reason you must die

Rabinovich fired, but instead of target
It was me a little who was shot
I was brought to doctor and Rabinovich padla
Quickly took the girl to drink on spot

"Blacky Voronochek" and my heart is crying
And my heart is crying in the night
On the свалко parkline where the people drink wine
Murka's body's lying still but fine
dxd 2009-10-06 22:15:17 #
Кортнев хорошо спел.
Рвун Чехлов 2012-12-30 22:26:28 #
"On the свалко parkline where the people drink wine"

Йобане автозамено не спит. Чо там было-то?
кокака 2012-12-31 00:01:42 #
там было свалко (dirty)

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Также огромное спасибо всем, кто сюда что-то когда-то постил, и тем, кто постил тем, кто постил, а также - авторам )))