ну что, дарагии маи. как извесна, богородица вернулась и Свалочька еще больше Добра будет нести в массы. посему объявляю етот псто музыкальным, и он (псто) ждет от вас, дарагии маи, ссылочки на любимую музику и клипчики в каментах здесь.
ну и с пятничькой всех конешно.
Плейлист на YouTube - последние 150 клипчиков. А тут вообще все.
2012-03-06 03:21:24
Спасибо Ятасука за счастливое детство! У нас типерь весь класс кобасится (дажы клосуха) под принцесс Челси, Я ЩеТаЮ ЭТА Хит!!!1111111)_))))))))))))))
В лобараторных экспириментах была выявлена лучшая песень
Princess Chelsea - Caution Repetitive
дажы лиригс четаем на уроках онгискова
]I heard you got a car & you're gonna go far
You probably should get out but there's not much going on
A man as smart as you could be set to be a star
You're a star amongst a few but we wonder who you are
You shoot them to the floor with a whistle & a laugh
They'll never get your jokes 'cos you're smarter than they are
You spend your time online being somewhat of a star
You're a star amongst a few and we wonder who you are
People call you mean 'cos you tease them with the truth
Twisted for a laugh by a wit as sharp as you
Wasting all your time playing farces with the few
You could be something great
But something great is nothing new
В лобараторных экспириментах была выявлена лучшая песень

Princess Chelsea - Caution Repetitive
дажы лиригс четаем на уроках онгискова
]I heard you got a car & you're gonna go far
You probably should get out but there's not much going on
A man as smart as you could be set to be a star
You're a star amongst a few but we wonder who you are
You shoot them to the floor with a whistle & a laugh
They'll never get your jokes 'cos you're smarter than they are
You spend your time online being somewhat of a star
You're a star amongst a few and we wonder who you are
People call you mean 'cos you tease them with the truth
Twisted for a laugh by a wit as sharp as you
Wasting all your time playing farces with the few
You could be something great
But something great is nothing new
2012-03-07 23:22:32
2012-03-10 03:12:21
Grimes - Oblivion
Grimes - Oblivion
2012-03-10 12:23:24
<iframe width="400" height="100" style="position: relative; display: block; width: 400px; height: 100px;" src="http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=.. ..ze=venti/bgcol=3c9bd3/linkcol=e3efb3/ " allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"><a href="http://mosaik.se/track/plateau ">Plateau by Mosaik</a></iframe>
2012-03-10 12:27:07
<iframe width="400" height="100" style="position: relative; display: block; width: 400px; height: 100px;" src="http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=.. ..ze=venti/bgcol=3c9bd3/linkcol=e3efb3/ " allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"><a href="http://mosaik.se/track/plateau ">Plateau by Mosaik</a></iframe>
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